From the 3rd to the 6th of May 2017, the 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Cellular Therapy took place in London UK. It focussed on immunotherapy advances with additional tracks on strategies for commercialization, quality and operations. A specific pre-congress workshop was developed on “European MSC Clinical Trials“.
Some of our ORTHOUNION partners were involved in the Congress, from the organization to the presentation, and had the opportunity to actively participate in the program.
- Dr. Massimo Dominici (Past President of the ISCT) co-led the Hot Topic Session 2 dedicated to Recents Advances in Stem Cell Based Therapeutics for Cancer and contributed with the topic Efficacy of Engineered Stem Cell in Different Tumor Models, which main purpose was to dicuss the multiple approaches in genetic engineering of stem cells, the challenges to apply it in tumor models, and the clinical translation of therapeutic stem cells.
- Dr. Dominici, who is part of the ISCT Advisory Board, also co-lead the ISCT Presidential Task Force and Patient Association Outreach Activities Session and spoke about the PTF: An Embracing Taskforce for an Evolving Matter.
- Dr. Rosaria Giordano led the Quality and Operations Track Session 4 dedicated to Cell Characterization and Potency. The session also included the collaboration of Dr. Rosa M. Gonzalo, with the topic A Practical Approach to the Characterization of Different Minimally and More-Than-Minimally Manipulated Cellular Therapy.
- Prof. Gómez Barrena participated as a speaker in the second round table over Advanced MSC Clinical Trials in Europe with the topic MSC for Bone repair, lecturing on the results of the REBORNE orthopaedic trials and the design of the ORTHOUNION trial, during the Pre-Conference Workshop: State of the Art in European MSC Clinical Trials .
Consult the full Program and go to the Annual Meeting Website for more information